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Our goal is to support female youth athletes during their athletic journey so that no athlete goes on her journey alone and to provide the support necessary to achieve her collegiate goals. We exist to help athletes navigate, understand, and take full advantage of the recruiting process that goes beyond just getting an offer.  This will be accomplished by providing opportunities for community members to connect with Group Leaders in our Mental Performance, Sports Performance, Recruiting, Admissions, and Performance Nutrition spaces. 


Each of us here at The Next Athletes has our own athletes as parents, siblings, friends, etc. We are offering a unique opportunity for our athletes to tap into the knowledge of those who have paved the way before them.


Our Group Leaders are here to help you, the ones coming up behind them, avoid potential bumps in the road. Allowing athletes to connect in a community like ours, where goals are common, conversations are plenty, and knowledge is shared, athletes will feel like more than just a profile.

Within the community, you will find Groups which is a great way to connect with like-minded athletes across the US who have the same questions as you. Groups are a great way to provide support, motivate, and inspire each other. Even more, each Group within The Next Athletes is led by a current or ex-collegiate athlete! We have Groups in the following areas: Mental Performance, Sports Performance, Performance Nutrition, Recruiting, and College Admissions. Join the community today and find your people. 

Engage in the Community.

Who can I connect with in the community?

Many parents and athletes only focus on "the offer." So many fail to see what happens next, or may even think the process is over. Our Group Leaders have lived it. They recognize the need to be a better recruit goes beyond "talent," which is why you'll find Group Leaders in the following spaces: Mental Performance, Performance Nutrition, Sports Performance, Admissions, and Recruiting. In addition, you'll find group leaders by sport! 

Why connect with a group leader? 

It's been said if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together. Athletes need an understanding of what it takes to be a better recruit - not just what it takes to be recruited. This is your WHY. Connect to be a better version of yourself with guidance from those who have been where you are and are ready to meet you where you are in your athletic journey.

How do I connect with a Group Leader?

There is nothing the athlete can't do on her own with a little provided guidance, so long as she is willing to put in the work to control her own journey. To connect in the community, send a connection request to your desired Group Leader. Once it has been verified that the athlete is subscriber, they will have the opportunity to engage in one-on-one conversations with our experienced, ex-collegiate athlete, leaders.  

How does it work? 

All subscribers are entitled to one engagement call a month with any group leader. Subscribers are also allowed to DM group leaders at their leisure. All subscribers are allowed to send a connection request within the community to each and every group leader! 

What can be discussed? 

Each athlete will bear the responsibility of navigating the conversation; however, anything related to preparing mentally and physically for the next level is welcomed to be discussed. Whether it's understanding how or when to reach out to coaches, creating/revising your social media page(s), or narrowing down your list of schools, our leaders are prepared to have these types of conversations, having been recent collegiate athletes themselves.

What is the benefit? 

We don't like contracts, and no one likes to feel locked into anything. Being a part of a community like The Next Athletes, allows you to control when and how often you, the athlete, would like to get assistance with your athletic journey. Maybe you need someone now, maybe you'll need someone later - with no expiration to your membership and no contracts, we give the athlete control to have discussions on her timeframe and at her discretion. 

What is the cost and what does this get me?

$49.99/month. With this subscription, you'll receive full access to the community that includes all content and resources in each focus area (mental performance, sports performance, performance nutrition, admissions, and recruiting). You'll also be able to connect with any Group Leader for one-on-one calls or chats within the community!  

Got more questions? 

Check out our FAQ

Other Benefits.


Sharing of knowledge from collegiate athletes.


Personal and athletic career development.


Confidence and Motivation.


Networking Opportunities.


Objective Feedback and a 24/7 Community!

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