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Be a Better Recruit.

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Your Own Success

The Next Athletes provides personal recruiting advisory for female junior high and high school student-athletes. We aim to educate athletes and their families so that they can create their own success. The recruiting process doesn't have to be intimidating or complicated, so long as the athlete is willing to dedicate some time and work to the process. But anything good for you requires work!


The recruiting process is about communication. It involves a series of interactions among those involved: the student-athlete, parents, college coaches, admissions officers, and club staff. The progress of an athlete's recruitment depends on the effectiveness of these communications. We'll help you navigate this.

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Who is this for?

Whether it's creating your list of preferred schools, drafting your first email, or helping you with social media - we've got you covered.



Student-athletes that have not begun the recruiting process and don't know where to start.

Parents and student-athletes who are intimidated by the process. 


Families who want to leverage the athletic ability of their student-athlete to help gain admission into better schools academically.


Parents and student-athletes that are going through the recruiting process for the first time together.


Student-athletes that are not getting as much attention as they deserve.


Student-athletes that lack structure in their recruiting process and do not know where they stand with college coaches.

EmpowHER the Athlete.

The college recruiting process can often feel stressful, overwhelming, and mysterious. However, with the right preparation, it can become an exciting and rewarding experience! We intend to empower the athlete in a community format so that no athlete goes on her journey alone.

Proactive Approach

Upon subscribing, you'll have the opportunity to connect with your Recruiting Coordinator who will guide you through the community and help you schedule your first call with a Recruiting Advisor! Immediately assisting the athlete in creating (or revising) a plan.


All subscribers can connect with a recruiting advisor as often as they like via phone call, text, or even a chat within the community. Connecting with your advisor, and having follow up calls, ensures the athletes stays on the plan that was created.    

Beyond the Offer

Athletes are more than their athletic abilities. There is much emphasis on getting an offer, but, we're here to create better recruits. We do this by having an available and accessible in-house mental performance coach, registered dietitian, certified trainer, admissions counselor, and recruiting coordinator! 


Be Next

Free 12-Step
Recruiting Guide

Unlimited Support From
Like-Minded Athletes

Community of
Female Athletes

Engagement With
Group Leaders by Sport

Useful & Relevant

One on One

Get in Touch.

Whether you're an aspiring athlete, a parent, or just interested in how athletes are scouted and signed, we're here to help! Ask us anything about recruiting strategies, scholarship opportunities, college athletics, and the journey from high school sports to professional leagues.

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